Sunday, May 25, 2008

Turn ur folder in to control panel to protect ur data

is it possible ??

Suppose you want to lock the folder lucky in d: which has the path D:\lucky. In the same
drive create a text file and type
ren lucky lucky.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Now save this text file as lock.bat

create another text file and type in it
ren lucky.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} lucky
Now save this text file as key.bat

Now you can see 2 batch files lock and key.Press lock and the folder lucky will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents.Press key and you will get back your original folder.

Remove ads from your home page

Most of the free hosting provider put their ads on your web page if u r using there free hosting packages.
its obvious because u r getting everything in no of cost.
don't u think it's something unwanted on ur web page ??
90% of the free hosting provider follow same pattern.They use DIV tag to display their Ads.
To remove ads form your web page just add below code in every page of ur website in stylesheet section.



Attention:if u used any DIV tag in your home page then its remove it also,so to use this trick keep DIV tag away from your web page

its really work.To see demo visit below link

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hide your files/folders in an image file using DOS command

Most of us are unaware with it...
"Copy" command is known to everyone,what it is ??
ahhhhhhhhhh,,its for to copy data from source to destination !!
is it ??
No !
then ??
to see the magic of COPY command u required an image file,any compression software like Winrar,Winzip etc,,
ohhhhh,,i know u have !! (pirated one)
now open a command prompt...

Command > copy \b Image_File+Winrar_File Destination_File

Image_File : in which u want to hide folder/file
Winrar_File : targeted folder/file to hide ,but first required to compress it.
Destination_File : any file name but make sure extension of Destination_File same as Image_file.

confused ??
Here is an Example !!

First,you zip that file or folder which u want to hide.
Suppose,it is a folder named Top_Secret_007 ,after compressing by winrar its Top_ Secret_007.rar....
image file is Evil.jpg

Command > copy \b Evil.jpg+Top_ Secret_007.rar Top_Evil.jpg

when u double click on the newly generated image file it will show u the original image file (for our example its Evil.jpg) and if u want to recollect all ur data which u hided in this image file,just required to open a software that u used to compress (in our example its winrar) and click on 'Open archive' and just locate that newly generated file,by extracting it u can get ur original data.

isn't it funny ??do ur comments on it !!!